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Marzo 2025
28 Marzo 2011
Public authorities should promote youth integration into the labour market, says Think Young's Simone Disegni
di Staff
25 Marzo 2011
How Spanish and French Local and Regional Authorities face economic crisis
24 Marzo 2011
A new manual has just been released to help track the amount, type and value of volunteer work
22 Marzo 2011
A way to bring Southern Italy back to life
Luca Jahier calls on the third sector to pool forces and create a Mediterranean Volunteering corps
The Commissioner for Human Rights launches an appeal in favour of people with disabilities
9 Marzo 2011
First aid convoys enter Libya
7 Marzo 2011
According to research firm EIRIS the world's big brands lack leadership on climate change
According to the responsible investment research firm, EIRIS, the world's big brands lack leadership on climate change
2 Marzo 2011
Czech Republic: Zoos protect African wildlife by promoting cell phone recycling schemes.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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