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Marzo 2025
20 Aprile 2011
Germany’s new strategy to reach millennium goals
di Staff
19 Aprile 2011
An Italian Foundation launches a call to all non profit organisations. Winners will secure funding.
18 Aprile 2011
Young, alternative, sustainable. Milan's design world turned upside down
14 Aprile 2011
A chat with the Serbian director about life, history and social engagement
12 Aprile 2011
Nobel Peace Prize winner Betty Williams talks about her project in Italy
11 Aprile 2011
As the world around us changes, so does the meaning of volunteering. The CEV finds out how
8 Aprile 2011
The European Parliament votes in a new policy framework to protect women from violence
5 Aprile 2011
Martin Edmondson, chief executive of Graduates Yorkshire questions the social mobility of graduates
4 Aprile 2011
The atomic re-birth:19 nuclear centrals spread throughout Eastern Europe
28 Marzo 2011
On the eve of the Assises for Decentralised Cooperation, Platforma's report on local and regional authorities
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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