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30 Maggio 2011
Cameron pledges 2.5 billion euros to global aid amid criticism for cutting budgets at home
di Staff
Marco Parlangeli, new leader of the European Foundation Centre, says the road is rocky
24 Maggio 2011
European civil society asks G20 leaders to invest in future food security
23 Maggio 2011
Is flying on sunlight the answer to the climate crisis? According to the experts, not yet
The Lisbon Treaty calls for a volontary aid corps to be created but ministers want cost effectiveness
18 Maggio 2011
Food is to take the centre stage at the G20 in June. The EESC is collecting civil society's views
Greenpeace climate activists interrupt Europe's premier business conference in Brussels
12 Maggio 2011
A civil society initiative to found a commission to establish facts about recent Balcan wars.
6 Maggio 2011
A new smartphone application makes donations easier for Italian taxpayers
5 Maggio 2011
Pietro Ferrero’s death unveils the social side of the multinational company from Italy
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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