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Marzo 2025
11 Luglio 2011
A European website for European active citizens launches on July 13 in Rome
di Staff
Students from Europe's top universities dive into the challenges surrounding food security
7 Luglio 2011
Nilsson comments on the 26th meeting of the ACP-EU economic and social interest groups
4 Luglio 2011
Greenpeace launches a campaign to put pressure on the European automaker giant
Foundation House will open its doors in Brussels in 2013
30 Giugno 2011
A ceremony to honor the most important international philanthropic initiatives
The EESC President comments on the EU budget review
28 Giugno 2011
A new web magazine written by second generation immigrants
27 Giugno 2011
Europe's Food Aid Programme will be slashed leaving Europe's poor hungry
24 Giugno 2011
G20 ministers fail to make strong decisions to avert global food crisis
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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