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Marzo 2025
11 Agosto 2007
Helping the terminally ill through psychosocial accompaniment
di Staff
9 Agosto 2007
Amnesty International has joined in solidarity with approximately 168 million trade unionists to call for the immediate release of two Iranian trade union activists
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, a UK based social policy research and development charity, is issuing a call for proposals for research on housing and neighbourhoods.
8 Agosto 2007
More than 31 thousand people have been affected by the monsoon floodings in India alone. Unicef's humanitarian aid reaches 20,000
3 Agosto 2007
Five stories to illustrate the meaning of being a Boy Scout on the movement's 100th anniversary, celebrated world wide on the 1st August 2007
31 Luglio 2007
The adoption of an EU blue card will be discussed in September and would allow non-Europeans greater freedom to travel and work within European borders ...
EngageMedia brings civil society upto date with peer to peer technology: a space for critical documentary, fiction and art that challenges the mainstream media
Over 300 NGOs worldwide launch the Publish what you pay! campaign to encourage transparency in the operations of oil, gas and mining industries in the south
Without public funds most Spanish non profit organisations would not survive. This is the result of a recent report about the financial sustainability of the third sector in Spain
30 Luglio 2007
The air breathed by more than 18 million people does not meet legal pollution requirements and threatens to cause serious respiratory problems say Ecologistas en Acciòn
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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