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Marzo 2025
17 Settembre 2007
In Lazio the hunt is on for small loans. 6 thousand people have already contacted Lazio region's call center to find out how to access the funds
di Staff
Big space to little loans programmes at the international summit in Geneva
16 Settembre 2007
Oxfam opened its first charity shop 60 years ago in Oxford and now is launching Britain's first online charity shop
13 Settembre 2007
Volunteering breaks the rules of the market economy said the Pope in Vienna
Agire (act) is the name of an organisation set up by Action Aid, Amref, Save the Children, Terre des Hommes, Vis and WWF that is based on the emergency committee model
An EIRS report finds CSR more developed in Europe than in the US and Japan
9 Settembre 2007
Everyday heros change the rules of engagement
3 Settembre 2007
An issues paper has been put together and is now being commented upon by NGOs
30 Agosto 2007
18 Agosto 2007
Marelli: 150 million euros in the next financial act
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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