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Marzo 2025
25 Settembre 2007
Madrid celebrated the first ever Spanish-Italian technological innovation and renewable energy days. Solar Arc project to invest in renewables
di Staff
The EU will create a 50 million euro fund to help developing countries fight against climate change ...
Pier Virgilio Dastoli, director of the European Commissions representation in Italy, calls for a coalition of real innovators in the tradition set out by one of the EUs founding fathers
Italian foundation Aiutare i Bambini turns solar in Milan
23 Settembre 2007
Action for Global Health presented the Italian edition of Health Warning, a report that calls the attention to the most urgent global health issues, in Rome on the 18th September
Corporate social responsibility is a new paradigm that will take another two or three decades to mature said UN Global Compacts Manuel Escudero in a conference in Madrid
Friends of the Earth Spain has accused the EU of ignoring clear warnings about the environmental and social problems generated by biofuels. Join their campaign ...
Non profit organisations can benefit from eBay. How? Through Mission Fish, an innovative technology-based platform that helps nonprofits find sources of funding ...
The Perugia-Assisi march is back. It will start on the 7th of October and it will be preceded by a week of events dedicated to Africa
20 Settembre 2007
A report published by the IRN provides an in depth analysis of the humanitarian impact of urbanisation in the world. Read the highlights here
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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