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Marzo 2025
3 Ottobre 2007
Rubbish collection, laundry services: cooperatives have had a number of successful experiences working with Gypsies, who have had to adapt to the rapidly changing job market
di Staff
1 Ottobre 2007
Inexistent public health services, inaccessible work and school, malnutrition and diseases. Civil society disappears because of the war.
Although the Companies Act has been hailed by many as the biggest shake up in UK company law in 150 years NGOs are quick to warn against early cries for victory...
29 Settembre 2007
The call for proposal was issued on the 27th September and will allocate more than 1 million euros for research on energy efficiency
The Children's Human Rights Centre of Albania (CRCA) reports on the establishment of a new coalition on violence against children in Albania
28 Settembre 2007
An innovative educational project will soon be launched in 30 schools to foster cross cultural integration. Funds for 1.2 million euros.
A website has been launched that helps charities make socially responsible investments
26 Settembre 2007
The European Commission has established a European network of journalists specialised in social protection and social inclusion to tackle social inequalities
Selene Biffi, founder of Youth Action for Change (YAC), tells Vita Europe about her experience and about why she placed her bets on young people ...
Donor countries have pledged nearly $10 billion to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria over the next three years. A good start but not enough say NGOs
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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