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Marzo 2025
16 Ottobre 2007
Victory on all fronts for the first ever Blog Action Day, a coordinated online event that united the entire blogosphere for a day in the name of the environment
di Staff
14 Ottobre 2007
EIRIS and CAER has just released a joint report exploring the challenges and opportunities faced by companies operating in areas where the rights of indigenous peoples are threatened
Neela Bettridge is the Director of Article13 Consultancy, a UK based social enterprise involved in business responsibility and sustainability
11 Ottobre 2007
World Vision Romania launched two fundraising campaigns in mid September that address the issues of child abandonment and education.
Greece is struggling to curb an influx of illegal immigrants, particularly from Iraq and Afghanistan, many believed to be heading to Western Europe, by Niki Kitsantonis
10 Ottobre 2007
A cartoon image has been at the centre of Swiss debates for its depiction of a white sheep kicking a black sheep off of red Swiss pastures. UN special rapporteur calls it racist
The government will respect its commitment to the 5 per mille: big success for Italian third sector magazine VITA and its partners campaigning in Rome ...
Overwhelming evidence was presented by a Volunteering England report that proves the extent to which volunteering affects key areas of government policy
5 Ottobre 2007
Britain is second only to the US when it comes to overseas aid. The government announced that during the last financial year overseas development aid increased by over 12%
3 Ottobre 2007
Giorgio Capurri, 45, is corporate social responsibility manager for Italys UniCredit Group, one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in Italy and Europe
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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