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Marzo 2025
29 Ottobre 2007
A report reveals that there are twice as many female executives in the third sector than in other sectors of the economy
di Staff
Efficiency and quality. These are the 2 key areas that need to be addressed, agreed development organisations in Madrid
28 Ottobre 2007
Last weeks arrest of freelance Croatian journalist, Zeljko Peratovic, described as an inadmissible event by the Croatian Helsinki Committee for human rights ... by Drago Hedl
25 Ottobre 2007
Italian NGOs have launched two very similar campaigns demanding adoption practices that guarantee children's right to a family
24 Ottobre 2007
eBay is setting up a dedicated Christmas trading fundraising hub to harness the rapid growth in charity trading on
22 Ottobre 2007
This evening, 23rd October, the Tour Eiffel will turn out its lights for 5 minutes to save the planet, by Tiziano Codazzi
19 Ottobre 2007
The new reform treaty agreed in Lisbon by EU member states marks the end of the 'Maastricht era'. Citizens may have more say but political action will remain slow, says Jahier
18 Ottobre 2007
Good practices: A conference in Rome highlights the value that donors place on trasparency, and how a Charter can certify organisations and help them become more efficient and effective
17 Ottobre 2007
Nearly 300 organisations in 60 countries will participate in the Week of Global Action against Debt and International Financial Institutions taking place on October 14-21
Italy's fourth largest banking group has launched an innovative way of setting arms trade guidelines: by working with human rights associations, by Giuseppe Frangi
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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