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12 Novembre 2007
Lidl supermarkets join the bandwagon and launch their own fairtrade product line, complete with the usual suspects: chocolate, brown sugar, tea & coffee. This time at a fair price too
di Staff
9 Novembre 2007
Civil society, from Bucharest to Rome, tells their version of the facts that surround immigration from Romania to Italy
8 Novembre 2007
The govermnent has shut down TV stations and declared emergency rule, reports Human Rights Watch from Georgia, and peaceful demonstrators have been attacked by police forces
7 Novembre 2007
Hundreds of people marched on the Treasury in London to urge the government to keep its promises to end child poverty by 2020
6 Novembre 2007
More than 50,000 unaccompanied minors have entered Italy illegaly in the past 7 years, says a report published by Italy's social research institution, Cesvot
5 Novembre 2007
Amnesty International denounces the discrimination against the Roma people, one of the largest ethnic minorities in Europe
Jean Léonard Touadi gives us his perspective on the rising tensions of Italy's immigration emergency
Ahead of a crucial EU report on Turkeys bid for European Union membership, to be released on November 6th, MRG warns of dramatic rise in intolerance against minorities
A new boom in the solar industry has been brought on by new legislation that encourages energy saving: the Energy Count
Marco Revelli, 60, is an Italian historian and sociologist who has studied, lived with and written about Italys Roma people for years
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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