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Marzo 2025
20 Novembre 2007
The Italian region of Tuscany invests 4% of its Social European budget for youth mobility programmes like Socrates, Cornelius and Rappin. Why? Because human resources and European citizenship are wort
di Staff
19 Novembre 2007
In Italy, legally, a multilingual guide that helps people fill out immigration papers in Italy is now available at police stations and immigration offices across Rome
The Eurostat has published a report that reveals the global money flows generated by immigrant workers working in Europe. The results are suprising.
How honest are NGOs in the language they use in their fundraising and awareness raising campaigns? According to a new book, not as much as they should be.
18 Novembre 2007
The oil spill that wreaked havoc in the Kerch Strait leading to the Black Sea last week will take at least 5 to 10 years for the marine environment to recover, says WWF
According to the survey, insufficient implementation of the law and weak openness of political and socio-cultural environment are two of the obstacles to the development of civil society
17 Novembre 2007
Alberto Masetti-Zannini, 32, defines himself a consultant and social entrepreneur, and believes that NGOs are missing out on a great opportunity by not launching into Web 2.0 … Alberto Masetti-Zannini, 32, defines himself as a consultant and social entrepreneur, and...
15 Novembre 2007
Three best practices show how Italian cooperatives are making sustainable tourism happen, by Luca Zanfei
14 Novembre 2007
35 German NGOs have won their battle against the North Rhine Westphalia Regional authorities: a list of all recipients of EU agricultural funds has been published. Download it here!
Huge numbers of Romani children are still being placed disproportionately in special schools and classes for children with mental disabilities and learning difficulties, says AI
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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