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27 Novembre 2007
Italian bank, Monte dei Paschi di Siena is at the top of the good CSR practice list. Why? For investing in transparency, trust and human rights.
di Staff
26 Novembre 2007
Michael Hopkins, a professor of corporate and social research at Middlesex University Business School , analyses why the social part of CSR is getting less focus than it deserves
In a special report on the Brazilian third sector Vita Europe crosses the Atlantic to take a look at non-profit activites in a non-EU context: past present and future
AI, Fundaciò per la Pau, Greenpeace and Intermon Oxfam celebrate important civil society victory. A law makes arms trade transparent for the first time, by Tiziano Codazzi
The Climate Savers Computing Initiative has just launched a guide to energy efficient IT equipment. Find out how to save money and greenhouse gas by making the right choices
25 Novembre 2007
23 council of Europe member states sign convention to protect children against sexual exploitation and abuse, reports the Children's Human Rights Centere of Albania
The National institute for cancer research, based in Milan, launches a fund raising campaign to bring in 'lucky euros'
24 Novembre 2007
More than 1.5 million people employed and 10 million volunteers. These are the figures of the Brazilian third sector today. A look at how and why, by Juliana Toledo and Michael Ambjorn
Sao Paolo's street children are urban refugees, living in exile in their own streets. It is time to face them and lend them a helping hand, by Auro Danny Lescher and Cláudio Loureiro
21 Novembre 2007
Greenpeace described the Strategic Energy Technology Plan, presented today, 22nd Novemebr, by the European Commission, as unstrategic
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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