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Marzo 2025
3 Dicembre 2007
Three young volunteers, three different stories and one common theme: it is time to forget about ideals and get on with it, alone. This is the new Italian attitude to giving
di Staff
Finding a voice in today's world is one of the greatest challenges for the world's poor. Having a voice may be their most powerful tool. This social campaign shows us how, and why
Say your own for World Volunteering Day by joining Volunteer Web's blog space. Volunteer Web is the UN's online volunteering hub and the first place to become a global volunteer
2 Dicembre 2007
NGOs have noted positive developments in UN Central Emergency Response Fund that had been judged "clumsy and innefficient" at the start of 2007, says IRIN report
Italian volunteer of the year. Marina Trivelli is 38 and has dedicated 4 years of her life (and career) to a hospital in the middle of the African savannah. Why? I receive a lot, she says
29 Novembre 2007
The amount of energy we currently use for transport accounts for 24% of the EU's greenhouse gas emissions. Can technology save us?
28 Novembre 2007
Initiative promoted by 35 German NGOs celebrates 2nd victory: Brandenburg releases list of EU agrarian subsidy beneficiaries for 2005, by Elena Pizzorni
An initiative launched by a group of young Londoner's promotes social inclusion and showcases youth's hidden (and usually ignored) talent
Record number of 650 representatives from companies, NGOs, national governments, media and the European Commission attended the European MarketPlace on csr Brussels
27 Novembre 2007
Greenpeace stages parody protest outside EU Commissions Berlaymont hq's to demand the EU to stop giving in to biotech lobby interests
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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