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Marzo 2025
10 Dicembre 2007
Greenpeace International has renewed its pledge to fight deforestation as a means of stopping global warming at a summit in Lisbon
di Staff
Italy's greatest TV fundraising initiative, Telethon, in its 18th edition aims to raise more than 31 million euros this year. The show kicks off on Friday 14th
A five day workshop to teach public officials and civil society about children's rights. This is the aim of Tirana's first ever Child Rights Academy launches by CRCA
9 Dicembre 2007
The core of European Human Rights campaign is the website launched simultaneously in several European capitals on the 10th of December
7 Dicembre 2007
WWF Italy sums up this years environment by expressing its wish list for next year. Here are the headlines we would all like to read
5 Dicembre 2007
Ireland announces the European Unions first ban on energy-wasting incandescent lightbulbs
Romani women in Macedonia suffer double discrimination, says AI report. They are women and are part of an ethnic minority, often this goes had in hand with poverty
3 Dicembre 2007
On Saturday 18th November 58 thousand employees became volunteers for a day. Citi financial group mobilized their workers in 100 countries to give something back to their communities
Paola Trevisan, 24. Her volunteering experience in China taught her that it is not all about giving. And that intelligent souls are often hidden for fear of not being 'normal'...
Talia Delgado, 29. As a volunteer in Romania she learned that giving for the pleasure of giving can change your life. Really. The proof? She has turned volunteering into her career ...
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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