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17 Gennaio 2008
Voluntary organisations will soon have to prove they are a benefit to the public, reports the Guardian, and today's guidance aims to show them how. By David Brindle
di Staff
A Commission report leaked to Greenpeace admits that biofuel targets may undermine EU's overall energy target & that they are "inefficient". New laws are called for
Pro-peace NGO Saferworld has published reports analysing arms transfer controls in the Europe. The latest report reviews the framework in Serbia and its best practices
This UN sponsored ineractive website provides updated information about how countries are progressing towards the Millennium Development Goals.
16 Gennaio 2008
With the "world's cheapest car" now on the market environmentalists the world round discuss its future impacts on climate. But where does resposibility for pollution really lie?
Italian NGO Mani Tese raises questions about the allocation practices of the government's 8 per thousand tax funds. Why does culture get 70% of them and world hunger only 1.1%?
The documentary about a unique community of bakers with learning disabilities is taking international film festivals by storm and will soon be presented in the US
15 Gennaio 2008
A recent report highlights that despite increased investment, UK "everyday heroes" numbers are flat if not actually falling
14 Gennaio 2008
A report ranks big banks according to their good climate change governance practices for the first time. Only a handful of the 40 biggest banks take climate change seriously
13 Gennaio 2008
Local authorities and workers union sign expemplary agreement to fight domestic violence. Men who hurt their wives risk loosing their jobs and wages.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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