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29 Gennaio 2008
Young people under 30 will now be able to create their own .es domain for free, thanks to a government initiative that is investing 3 million euros in 2008 for young techbologies
di Staff
Interview with the Cai (Commission for International Adoptions) Vice president, Daniela Bacchetta, to find out where Italy stands and where it expects to be in 5 years time
The Council of Europes Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings ( CETS n° 197) enters into force on 1 February 2008 and applies to all victims of trafficking: women, men and children
A summary of this year's World Economic Forum and the main conclusions drawn. From Tony Blair to Bill Gates, and the views from the South.
An online forum, with live discussions between European Commissioners and EU citizens, will be discussing their views on the future of Europe this afternoon
28 Gennaio 2008
Cadbury to invest £1 million in 2008 in sustainable cocoa farming in Ghana, India, Indonesia and the Caribbean. Microfinance, community development & grassroots action will be key
More than 175 million dollars in three years to finance projects all over the world. This is's philanthropic action plan. And here is where it will go
27 Gennaio 2008
Italys first official training course for volunteers has been launched by Emilia Romagnas CSV and aims to launch new dynamism into the volunteering sector.
25 Gennaio 2008
A week ago Vita Europe launched an appeal to find out whether this years World Social Forum meant the end of organised social protest. Here is what we found...
24 Gennaio 2008
In his speech at Davos on Thursday 24th January Bill Gates called on capitalism to become creative in providing returns and helping the world's poor. Hear the speech here
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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