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2 Febbraio 2008
Estonia counts with 26,986 non profit organisations, 26,198 of which are associations and 788 foundations...
di Staff
Emma-Jane Cross, Chief Executive of Beatbullying
Fuel efficient engines are not the only answer to meeting EU CO2 reduction targets, says automotive sector. Better tyres, roads & lessons in "eco driving" are also needed
31 Gennaio 2008
In a press release today, Oxfam has called on the EU to remember it's pledge in Bali to be world leader in takling climate change and criticised its biofuels policy
A company wishing to go green should focus on the green consumer, right? Not so, argues Steve Bishop, global lead of Design for Sustainability at IDEO
Italian civil society breathes a sigh of relief as the decrees that make social enterprises real are finally emitted. Every one except for the forum for the third sector, that is...
30 Gennaio 2008
Zannah Ingraham is the editor of UK's leading magazine for graduates - Prospects. This week they dedicated their front cover to advice on how to find an ethical job ....
Bilan carbone. This is the name of an all French project to measure the impact of wine on global warming. The results will be released in September 2008. celebrates its 7th anniversary on Second Life. The first truly European multimedia and multilingual platform was founded by Erasmus students in 2001
A three year project to develop standards in the care of foster children, Q4C, has come up with 18 best practices. The project was coordinated by 3 international NGOs
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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