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Marzo 2025
6 Febbraio 2008
The MOSES project is launching a Europe wide survey open to all third sector managers and trainers: help MOSES create a European third sector training model by participating
di Staff
A Dutch graphic designer has revolutionised the humanitarian road map. How? Through a series of pictograms that help people find their way in humanitarian refugee camps
5 Febbraio 2008
Adam Foyster, founder of
Vinyl 2010 is launching an essay competition to engage young people in sustainable development. Aspiring young journalists and sustainable development enthusiasts encouraged
The NCVO is inviting voluntary sector leaders to give their views on the health and prospects of their organisations in its new confidence and trends survey.
3 Febbraio 2008
Peter Kyle, vice director of Acevo.
Estonia counts with 26,986 non profit organisations, 26,198 of which are associations and 788 foundations...
2 Febbraio 2008
To know more about the country follow our indications
Estonia is the third country in the world, after the UK and Canada, to have signed a national strategy agreement for the development of civil society...
According to Neno, the network of Estonian non profit organizations, the sector employs 28,000 people or 4-5% of the Estonian workforce...
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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