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Marzo 2025
3 Marzo 2008
Terms on philanthropy
di Staff
The Turkish National Assembly adopted a new law to regulate foundations that creates a single set of rules for the different types of foundations that exist in Turkey
An unusual crusade will mark lent in Venice this year: the crusade to jug and not bottle water. A campaign launched by don Fazzini calls on everyone to give up water for lent
The top nine supermarkets in Greece have agreed to phase out plastic bags and replace them with environmentally friendly ones, joining a growing trend across Europe
Children behave better and are more independent if they live in areas with Sure Start Children's Centres, according to an independent evaluation report published today.
As more countries weigh the pros and cons of biofuel production, a new decision-support tool has been developed to ensure they do not compromise their food production
2 Marzo 2008
A Regional consultation on children with genetic diseases in South Eastern Europe closed successfully: political commitment to work more to guarantee the right to life for children.
AI reports on how human rights activists, NGOs and media have been gradually and progressively curtailed in the Russian Federation over recent years
An online project aims to put the details of 1.8 million species online so that they can be accessible to all, for free
Britain investing more money ethically than ever before. As at 31st December 2007 there was £8.9 billion invested in Britains green and ethical retail funds, says EIRS
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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