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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
12 Marzo 2008
The results of a survey carried out by the Erasmus Student Network give the low down on the Italian Erasmus experience, and its not good news for Italy.
di Staff
11 Marzo 2008
Recyclability or durability? How to know what to look for when choosing a mobile phone or lap top while trying to be green? Here is Greanpeace's guide to safe electronics
10 Marzo 2008
The commission on the future of volunteering has asked the government for £1m to make volunteering more inclusive of groups that are normally unrepresented
Londons 12th Human Rights Watch International Film Festival (HRWIFF) will take place from March 1221, 2008.
6 Marzo 2008
According to Greenpeace's "Toxic-Tech" report, waste from electronic products, like mobile phones, risks contaminating the earths water, land and air. The solution? Recycle, recycle
Urban agriculture in most people's minds is a contradiction of terms but rising food prices are compelling reasons to bring farming - and its values - into cities
5 Marzo 2008
To know more about the country follow our references
4 Marzo 2008
Spain: Special Report/ The social laws passed in the four years Zapatero's socialist government ruled the nation and some of the best practices that they have led to...
3 Marzo 2008
Sirin Soyoz, editor of
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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