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Marzo 2025
16 Marzo 2008
An HIV/STI prevention project specially tailored for female sex workers promotes voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) as a way to build trust and spread information.
di Staff
More than 100 million Europeans still lack access to safe drinking water, announces the UN on the eve of International Water Day, celebrated on March 22nd world wide.
14 Marzo 2008
Consumers have clear cut rights and should not hesitate to use them. This is the message put across by EU Commissioner Meglena Kuneva in view of Consumer Day celebrations on March 15
13 Marzo 2008
Chiara Lubich, founder and leader of the Christian Focolare movement, died in the early hours of March 14th. She will be remembered for her contribution to social justice
Doctors across Hungary have launched a petition to prevent the National Addiction Institute, a government-run hospital centre in Budapest, to be closed down.
Charities that make use of Gift Aid welcomed Darling's first Budget as Chancellor as it acknowledges the importance of Gift Aid in supporting small and large charities.
The American third sector is proposing a new legal structure, the L3C (loe profit, limited liability company) as an innovative way for charity to combine business with social aims...
12 Marzo 2008
A report commissioned by the Charities Aid Foundation reveals that social enterprises find it hard to become financially sustainable and balance economic and social returns
The results of a survey carried out by the Erasmus Student Network give the low down on the Italian Erasmus experience, and its not good news for Italy.
Reporters without borders celebrated Online free expression day on the 13th March without UNESCO's support, which was withdrawn within hours from the start of the campaign...
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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