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Marzo 2025
24 Marzo 2008
By Youth Post
di Staff
The Internet search company Google has opened a new portal for nonprofit groups that explains how to adopt various Google features and software for charitable work.
17 Marzo 2008
A new Greenpeance report reveals EU complicity in Amazon destruction, after a cargo ship with illegally sourced timber was blocked by activists in France
Local civil soicety organisations have set out an action plan to react to the emergency caused by explosions that have affected more than 4,000 people.
16 Marzo 2008
A recycling campaign in Devon has been so successful that it will be copied in Cumbria. The campaign, Fistful of Rubbish, is both witty and memorable and has won several awards
The Norwegian government proposed a marriage law that would give gay couples the same rights as heterosexuals, including church weddings and adoption
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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