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Marzo 2025
2 Aprile 2008
An east London social entrepreneur is garnering support to establish a social enterprise business park as part of the legacy of the 2012 Olympics
di Staff
1 Aprile 2008
A cartoon documentary shot in Kosovo highlights the difficult situation of the Roma - Roma children in particular - both in Kosovo, Slovenia and Italy and reaches out to a younger audience
Milan will host the Universal expo in 2015, proving to the world that it is up to the task of finding innovative and creative solutions for sustainable develoment. This year's topic? Food, of course.
A small recycling plant in Macedonia has turned a garbage dump and ex refugee camp into a business opportunity - and a way to wean Roma refugees off UNHCR dependence
31 Marzo 2008
New 80 million fund to boost energy efficiency and renewables in the fight against climate change in developing countries: the GEEREF is the European Commision's answer to the energy crisis
30 Marzo 2008
Saferworld's March meeting with government representatives and experts in the field of arms control from Central Asia, Eastern Europe and the EU is first step towards arms control policy
The Euroepan network on debt and development (Eurodad) has published a report that evaluates how aid has helped to tackle global poverty and inequality over the past 3 years
27 Marzo 2008
For its 150 year anniversary, Lourdes expects to attract 8 thousand pilgrims. An army of volunteers is needed to assist them, many of whom are young. Surprised? Here are their stories
24 Marzo 2008
How many people volunteering in Estonia?
By Youth Post
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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