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13 Aprile 2008
An initiative promoted by the University of Bologna recycles books for a good cause. Over the last 4 years more than 44 thousand books have been "saved" from the scrapyard
di Staff
Business leaders, scientists and policymakers from around the world have joined forces to try to influence politicians negotiating a post-Kyoto deal at next year's UN Climate Conference
10 Aprile 2008
The non profit world has been waiting for 7 years for the government to set standardized levels of assistance in the social services. And hopes that the next government will deal with the issue
The sustainability challenge? It can only be won at school, with real lessons in consumer awareness. This is the approach that environmental expert Guido Viale wants to see Italy take from now on
The 5 x mille: the story of the successes and failures of a measure that for 3 years has allowed Italian tax payers to transfer 5 thousandths of their income tax to the third sector
Family and child poverty are this election campaigns forgotten issues, says the social sector, revealing that Italy is a country of old people who do not take care of their young.
9 Aprile 2008
Social services are overbooked, resulting in poor services. Moreover their is little coordination between the social, health and juridical services.
Greenpeace warns that Germany and France are looking to secure a "backroom deal" that will allow car companies to escape EU climate commitments. Take action by signing the petition
8 Aprile 2008
Alarming is the term used by Action Aid Italy to describe EU aid figures, released last week by the OECD. Italy shows positive signs but the aid effort must be multiplied, say NGOs
An unusual exhibition, that aims to promote awareness about marine conservation, has been launched by environmental organisation Accion Natura on the beach at Sitges
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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