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16 Aprile 2008
The European Economic and Social Committee, that represents organised civil society within the EU, has warned that Member states must be cautious when considering the role and use of biofuels
di Staff
15 Aprile 2008
Westminster City Council recycled 70,000 plastic water bottles from Sunday's London Marathon. The bottles will be given a new lease on life and used to make umbrellas, clothing and more...
Student unions in Paris took to the streets to protest against the government's move to cut more than 11 thousand jobs - including teaching positions - as of September
Between 2006 and 2007 foundations have increased by 26%. Why? New tax laws make it easier, and cheaper, to create and give to them, explains the Association of German foundation's Hans Fleisch
Social business research firm Catalyst has launched a website to link potential investors with social enterprises in need of capital.
14 Aprile 2008
Daryl Upsall Conuslting is an International agency based in Madrid, specialized in fundraising.
In Spain everyday heroes are celebrated on September 8 at the Dia del Cooperante
15 years on from the Hague Convention legal expert Jennifer Degeling explains why there are still so many black holes in the system and why the change must be moral and grassroots
Major carbon emitters must show contribution to UN negotiations, says Oxfam, by committing to deeper mandatory emissions cuts and set aside resources for poor countries
13 Aprile 2008
Environmental NGO Greenpeace has filed a complaint filed with the European Commission against unfair state aid for Slovak nuclear plant
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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