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Marzo 2025
22 Aprile 2008
"Time and tuna running out" read Greenpeace banners displayed during the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels, where activists from 15 countries closed five stands in protest
di Staff
21 Aprile 2008
Marina Rikhvanova is one of 7 grass-roots environmentalists to receive the 2008 Goldman Environmental Prize. Her feat? To have rerouted an oil pipeline, saving Lake Baikal from harm
Environmentalists across the Balkans and in Hungary have jumped on the Earth Day band wagon, using the excuse to highten public awareness and sway public opinion...
Volunteering is good for you and helps to build the social capital, says EU report, that also called on the EC and Member States to introduce VAT exemptions for voluntary organisations
17 Aprile 2008
Charities hit by falling donations over the past year yesterday welcomed figures showing online fundraiser had channelled more than £250m to the sector since 2001
According to research Hungary is one of the three EU countries to be most vulnerable to internet crimes. The most at risk are community portals that users tend to consider reliable
Csr is on the rise as Russian enterprise strives to change its "wild east" reputation. But Russian csr is distinctive for wanting to play by the rules of the international market
MSF has started emergency intervention projects in Greece to attend to the urgent medical needs and poor living conditions in most of the detention centres for migrants
16 Aprile 2008
For 2 days Budapest will host some of Europe's most prominent third sector decision makers to discuss local development strategies at a conference organised by Euclid
Skills based volunteering - volunteering your marketing or it skills - is attracting growing attention. It is flexible, rewarding, and most of all it is what many NGOs are in most need of
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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