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Marzo 2025
3 Luglio 2012
We are very excited to welcome you to our new home. A brand new website to tell you everything about social innovation in Europe and all over the world.
di Staff
27 Giugno 2012
Save the Children shines a light on the risks of teenage pregnancy
26 Giugno 2012
500 Million Euro cuts in 2011 total EU aid spending
7 Giugno 2012
A conference to speak about employment within the Europe 2020 strategy
Uno database di volontari per aiutare le associazioni locali dopo l'emergenza
1 Giugno 2012
The London -based startup finances a new project through crowdfunding
28 Maggio 2012
Payroll giving – donating money to charity straight from one’s pay slip – has landed in Italy, 20 years after the UK where it has, since the 80’s, raised more than 89 million pounds.
22 Maggio 2012
A social entreprise sells jewelry made from bullet casings
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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