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6 Maggio 2008
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is hosting the heads of some of the world's largest corporations today to encourage big business to fight global poverty. But the charities are cynical.
di Staff
5 Maggio 2008 is a website that partners with microfinance institutions to allow people to loan money to entrepreneurs in the developing world. But that doesn't expect to save the world from poverty
4 Maggio 2008
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Global press freedom underwent a clear decline in 2007, with journalists struggling to work in increasingly hostile environments in almost every region in the world, says Freedom House
Mixed response from food and drinks companies on water sustainability, says the Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has entered into force, guaranteeing the rights to education, health, work and many more, of some 650 million people worldwide
The credibility of the EC will be seriously undermined if it is unable to respond to intense pressure to reform EU GMO policy warned Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth Europe
3 Maggio 2008
UK Giving decrease in 2007
29 Aprile 2008
Charities are pushing the European Commission for clarification of new rules that threaten a dramatic increase in the cost of borrowing money from government funds
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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