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14 Maggio 2008
A survey published this week by the Hudson Institute highlights the changing nature of private philanthropy and its increasing role in the development of poorer nations
di Staff
Gap year specialists the Year Out Group reveals that volunteering is at the top of the list of activities chosen for a gap year or career break placement. The most popular? Teaching and social work
13 Maggio 2008
Two of the UK's largest aid agencies have turned down an offer to work closely with the Government on the UN's Millennium Development Goals because they fear it will threaten their independence
Christian Aid report "Death & Taxes" accuses tax evaders of denying poor countries tax revenue, causing 5.6m deaths in 2000-2015. Annually more taxes are evaded than money given for aid
9 Maggio 2008
Civitas organisers have choosen three main topics on which debate and share best practices: the right to employment, to a healthy environment and to peace
8 Maggio 2008
"Libera l'acqua" is the slogan of a new campaign aiming to raise awarness and funds to bring water to 400 thousand people in developing world.
Three events within the Italian civil societys most important fair and conference centre, Civitas 2008, that will be held at Padova, between May 9-11, that really cant be missed.
6 Maggio 2008
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is hosting the heads of some of the world's largest corporations today to encourage big business to fight global poverty. But the charities are cynical.
Manchester based Co-operative Group, the UK's largest community food retailer, is to take over the privately owned supermarket chain Somerfield, with 3,000 outlets.
Friends of the Earth will be joining Radiohead on the European leg of their world tour which kicks off in Ireland this June as part of a campaign to tackle climate change
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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