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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
24 Maggio 2008
Greenpeace activists travelled to the European Parliament in a Flintstones-style car to deliver a stone tablet bearing the logos of major car producers & the message "Driving Climate Change"
di Staff
23 Maggio 2008
No time to waste, say NGOs when it comes to EU aid. The EU has fallen 75 billion euros behind on its targets creating a glaring aid gap. Campaigners to meet in Brussles to have their say
22 Maggio 2008
Envoys meeting in Dublin to discuss a global ban on cluster munitions are hopeful for a "now or never deal", but there are obvious obstacles that point to a less than straightforward deal
21 Maggio 2008
Britain's 1 billion euro project to help poor countries adapt to climate change is not aid, but loans to be administered by the World Bank and paid back with interest
20 Maggio 2008
The Guardians public services editor David Brindle interviews a thorn in the side of the establishment, a 51 year old lawyer who has dedicated her life and career to the rights of the elderly
19 Maggio 2008
Despite the EU's commitment to preventing child labour, 218 million children still work in today's world. Stop Child Labour calls for a concete strategy to end bad trading practices
Banca Etica, Acli & WWF. The leaders of three of the biggest non profit organisations in Italy show us their pay cheques. And explain why they are not tempted to swap for a better paid job elsewhere
18 Maggio 2008
The Institute of Fundraising (IoF) has released a draft code of practice on face-to-face (F2F) fundraising. For the first time, the code includes rules on the practice of prospecting
14 Maggio 2008
Paid worforce in the Spanish Non Profit Sector
Campaigning finds new broadcast space on Manchester based GMG Radio's wavelengths. The Big Story, as the slot dedicated to campaigning bulletins is called, will replace two of the station's 15 minut
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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