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28 Maggio 2008
Sixty years ago the United Nations established the first peacekeeping operation in the Middle East. Today more than 100 thousand blue helmets from 119 countries work in conflict zones worldwide
di Staff
27 Maggio 2008
6 million French people will toast to their neighbours in a nation wide neighbourhood party. More than an excuse to drink good wine, a movement that aims to strengthen communities
Reuters Foundation and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) are seeking submissions for their joint 2008 Environmental Media Awards
26 Maggio 2008
An emergency room where you can pay your way to the front of the queue is being strongly criticised by doctors as the first step to inequality in national health care
The Third Sector Foundation of Turkey has made public, through an online Members Profiles page, the contact information of 100 of Turkey's top non profit organisations, in a bid to encourage transpar
Environmental organizations appealed to Angela Merkel to rescue a UN conference on biodiversity from failure and highlighted the need for five times more funding to halt loss of species
25 Maggio 2008
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the awards that prize social enterprises for excellence. Now there is an added challenge: to take up major moral issues as well...
Environmentalists get ready for civil disobedience to protest against controversial collection of seismic data in the waters outside Lofoten, northern Norway.
At the opening of a meeting of EU Ministers on aid today, anti-poverty organisations from across Europe are out in protest against the gap of 75 billion euros in aid promised by member States
24 Maggio 2008
How many people volunteering in UK?
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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