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3 Giugno 2008
A petition signed by 50 thousand Europeans to be presented by Greenpeace this week asks the Slovenian Presidency to ensure that adequate CO2 emissions standards are set
di Staff
2 Giugno 2008
Global sales of the ehtical Fairtrade lable rose by 47% in 2007. The UK and USA take the lead with markets exceeding 700 million euros and Sweden the fastest growing market.
The European Association of Communications Agencies has announced the 20 finalists for the best 2008 European social marketing campaign. Winners to be announced June 25
31 Maggio 2008
Anna Dobrovoloskaya sheds light on Russian civil society's challenges: public opinion, the government.
30 Maggio 2008
Volunteering Week UK kicks off on Saturday June 1st with a a burst of activity as events take place across the country to increase awareness of the UKs volunteers
"Technology and finance in climate cooperation", is the title of the high level conference held in Norway by the Club of Madrid, environmental NGO Bellona and energy company Hafslund ASA
29 Maggio 2008
Social Development Minister for Northern Ireland Margaret Ritchie has praised the contribution made by volunteers as she officially launched 2008s Volunteers Week
A global network of Universities that has joined forces to promote volunteering in higher education, the Talloires Network, offers tools and resources for graduates and undergraduates
28 Maggio 2008
Sixty years ago the United Nations established the first peacekeeping operation in the Middle East. Today more than 100 thousand blue helmets from 119 countries work in conflict zones worldwide
The Age Of Stupid (formerly known as Crude) is the new climate change documentary for the big screen, launched May 24th in London. Funded entirely by independent donors
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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