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Marzo 2025
16 Giugno 2008
15 homelessness organisations have won a share of the 500 thousand pounds prize money awarded by Spark to promote social enterprise in the UK & that aims to earn them £10 million in the next 3 years
di Staff
15 Giugno 2008
Interview with Sirin Soyoz, editor of
According to the CSI Turkey Country Report, charitable giving is the most prevalent form of civic participation in Turkey. In 2004, total giving was reported to be about 2 billion US dollars.
Paid workforce in the Turkish non profit sector
Over 148,000 registered civil society organisations (CSOs) operate in Turkey today and..
Greenpeace has ranked agrochemical companies based on the hazards of their pesticides on human health. The results? That 46% of pesticides are harmful, with Bayer chemicals at the lead
14 Giugno 2008
State of philanthropy in Spain
12 Giugno 2008
Europe waits to find out the results that will make or break the Union's controversial and little understood reform treaty. Challenging skepticism, an NGO explains it to civil society
Fairtrade farmers from the developing world will be in Keswick, UK, on June 21 to attend a unique event that will bring together fairtrade campaigners and producers
11 Giugno 2008
This concept paper serves to illustrate some of the challenges that modern disaster response and relief systems face and will serve as the basis for a workshop on June 25
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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