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24 Settembre 2012
Roominate is a dolls house specifically designed by a team of Stanford students to encourage and empower little girls to get passionate about technology and science
di Staff
After the criticism, the most popular crowdfunding platform in the US has issued new guidelines to clarify its policy and make people understand that crowdfunding is not about being an online store
21 Settembre 2012
It’s called Casserole and it’s a new project to tackle social isolation, through food sharing among neighbors. Nothing brings people together better than food, so why don't we start to develop a sense of community from our kitchens?
More and more companies working in the creative industry are choosing to become social enterprises. A young actor explains why he decided to become a social entrepreneur
19 Settembre 2012
In the United States a new website helps you find your ideal job and make a difference
13 Settembre 2012
A new project made in the UK allows you to start a positive action to make your community better and find other people to help you do that
11 Settembre 2012
The Sixth World UN- World Urban Forum took place last week in Naples, an occasion to openly speak about the biggest challenges faced by cities in the 21st century
5 Settembre 2012
Applications are now open to join the Model European Commission. Test your leadership skills, learn about EU decision-making and politics and meet people from all over Europe.
25 Luglio 2012
As the World is getting ready for the Olympic Games, a WWF report shines a light on the event ‘s sustainability with some good news for the Planet
10 Luglio 2012
The Day will be hosted in Pisa on 19 September 2012
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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