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Marzo 2025
11 Luglio 2008
WYSE, the NGO dedicated to leadership and inter-cultural understanding, is hosting an international leadership programme in Lucca, Italy in August, to promote skills building and networking opportunities for young leaders
di Staff
The third sector must embrace technology and find creative, new ways to grow, says Marcelo Iniarra, social marketing and campaigning pioneer. Why? Because the information era gives us all the tools we need to become independent social campaigners...
Sarkozy-Merkel car deal under attack from Greenpeace activists
For the first time France is to host the UN's civil society conference, on the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
A new resource designed by Microsoft to support the technological development oF NGOS worldwide
London’s Olympia opens its doors to Europe’s largest Islamic cultural extravaganza
10 Luglio 2008
Human rights organisations warn that minorities in Ukraine are threatened by hostile climate
Leaders of the world's most powerful nations have failed to make progress. This is the final word for the NGO forum of 141 organisations that met in Hokkaido to put pressure on governments to fulfil their commitments
Over 1 thousand citizens have taken to the streets to test the performance of their local government. The result? Public institutions fail to meet the expectations of the citizens they serve
European Development NGOs are deeply concerned about linking immigration control and development cooperation
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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