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15 Luglio 2008
Community Foundation Network plans to draw up 'philanthropy manifesto', which it hopes will influence the main political parties.
di Staff
Greenpeace statement on the Commission’s positive opinion on the Mochovce nuclear project
Looking to enjoy your time off work without feeling guilty about the social impact of your holiday? Try being a voluntourist...
Volunteering to be the focus of 2011, says EU Parliament
14 Luglio 2008
The Freedom Food logo is now recognised by 50 per cent of the UK, more than twice as many as last year, a new survey has revealed.
An anti-nuclear campaign started in Croatia has gathered support in neighbouring Serbia as well as online.
Such an agressive stance against humanitarian organisations has never been seen before, say the experts, as Caritas prepares to leave the country
WYD2008, the world's largest youth event ever, has gone web 2.0 with a social networking website designed specifically to connect those attending the event. And a whole new range of techno-tools to connect youth with the Pope ...
55,000 brands produce 1% of UK's GDP. discover the fastest growing force of civil society
13 Luglio 2008
The stench of the algae in the city of Qingdao, which will host the Olympic sailing events, has been a vivid reminder that environmental concerns still dog the Games.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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