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21 Luglio 2008
Learning how to play fair and trade fair at the same time lies at the heart of this best practice "made in the UK"
di Staff
Socially and environmentally responsible investments are on the rise, according to the 2008 World Wealth Report
Training managers for the volontary sector. This is the aim of the 28 thousand pound scholarships offered to volontary sector managers across Europe.
18 Luglio 2008
Amnesty International leaves no shadow of doubt: the run up to the Olympics has been matched by an increasingly hostile climate for human rights and a far cry from the pledges made to the international community.
17 Luglio 2008
A key figure in the development of Kosovo's civil society, Reze Duli paints a picture of the challenges that lie ahead for a nation new to independence
Environmentalists are up in arms about the government's proposal to reduce the size of a natural park on the outskirts of Zagreb.
16 Luglio 2008
Summit's poor results prove need for new model to tackle global problems
Four dreams & advice on a career beyond the limits
15 Luglio 2008
The G8 summit held in Genoa in 2001 was the scene of human rights absuses that had so far gone unpunished. On July 14th the guilty verdicts were announced
UN member states meet to discuss an agreement for the regulation of the arms trade
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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