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28 Luglio 2008
There are more than 100 thousand of them. The oldest is 87. The outcome of the Olympics depends on them. No, they are not athletes, but the army of volunteers recruited for the Beijing games.
di Staff
26 Luglio 2008
Directly from the web up-to-date information on environment issue
25 Luglio 2008
The first world forum for social enterprise will be held in Scotland in September
Pillay, who is 67, is known for leading the landmark decision that defined rape as an institutionalized weapon of war
24 Luglio 2008
Greenpeace calls on other member states to follow the Austrian example and protect the health of its citizens.
China leans on Nepal to stifle Tibetan demonstrations, says Human Rights Watch report
23 Luglio 2008
Denmark's civil society is divided over the proposal to legalise prostitution.
Reducing food miles is one way to reduce CO2 emmissions. Today, UK food brands pave the way for a concrete strategy and best csr practice
By Hannah Jordan, Third Sector, 23 July 2008
A project launched by AEGEE aims to teach and test student's knowledge of European political affairs.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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