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31 Luglio 2008
By Rosie Walker, Third Sector
di Staff
30 Luglio 2008
A national survey reveals American volunteering trends in 2007.
By Hannah Jordan, Third Sector, 30 July 2008
MEP's from across Europe are calling on EU institutions to uphold the principles of equality stated by the Lisbon Treaty by appointing female as well as male EU leaders
Towards an ethical code of conduct to prevent child abuse in Albania
Human Rights Watch, that has been closely monitoring the human rights situation in the run up to the 2008 summer Olympic games, is concerned with the message the authorities are sending out by trying an activist only 4 days before...
29 Luglio 2008
Amnesty International passess harsh judgment on China in last report before Olympics
A social networking site called SavvyChavvy has won a national award for the social use of technology.
28 Luglio 2008
Amnesty International deplores today’s reported arbitrary detention and beating of human rights activist Zurab Tsechoev, in Ingushetia.
Humanitarian groups working in Zimbabwe had hoped Mugabe's ban would end with the elections. It hasn't
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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