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8 Agosto 2008
By Eva Alessi & Patrizia Zaratti
di Staff
7 Agosto 2008
The Institute of Fundraising is inviting charities to carry out an online survey about volunteer fundraising within their organisations.
6 Agosto 2008
On-line resource to get acquainted with microfinance terms and issues
Fundraising made easy. Charities can now run online appeals with everyclick.
5 Agosto 2008
Call for protests outside Chinese embassies and online during 8 August opening ceremony
The United Nations has joined the campaign to win statutory funding for Rape Crisis centres across the UK.
Spanish NGOs have launched a summer fashion: the charitable party.
The European Commission's anti-discrimination campaign aims to raise awareness about equality across Europe.
4 Agosto 2008
Nobel prize-winning Russian writer dies at age of 89
AlertNet journalist Ruth Gidley summarises the findings of Transparency International's report: Preventing corruption in Humanitarian Assistance
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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