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Febbraio 2025
21 Novembre 2012
Scrap a car plant a tree is a project that will help car owners make up for the damage their cars have done to the environment
di Staff
20 Novembre 2012
The Alzheimer's society launches an ambitious volunteering initiative to recruit 1 million volunteers
30 Ottobre 2012
VitaEurope's eight easy tips to go green on Halloween
25 Ottobre 2012
Good news for social innovation in the UK where the Innovation Foundation Nesta has launched a 25 million pound investment fund to support local communities and improve the lives of children and older people
4 Ottobre 2012
It’s called and aims at turning the web’s 404 not found pages into a platform dedicated to showcasing pictures of Europe’s missing children
3 Ottobre 2012
Christopher Gunn, Professor of Economics of the Nonprofit Sector told us about what the two candidates could do to change the future on the non profit sector
2 Ottobre 2012
As the unemployment rate rises, the European Commission launches a call for ideas to create new job opportunities through social innovation projects.
1 Ottobre 2012
We have met Jason Best, the man who has set off the access to capital revolution. While he was in Italy for the Tech Crunch Event in Rome, he told us why crowdfunding could save small entrepreneurs in these difficult...
28 Settembre 2012
It’s called Undesrtoodit and allows students to get over their fears and anonymously communicate with their teacher when they do not understand something in class
25 Settembre 2012
V-Day’s latest campaign, One Billion Rising, demands 1 billion women and men across the world to go on a peaceful protest, take the streets, dance and join a global movement to stop violence against women
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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