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Marzo 2025
25 Agosto 2008
Gaia Education launches course on design for sustainability
di Staff
Four dreams & advice on a career beyond the limits
24 Agosto 2008
How many people doing volunteer in Spain?
21 Agosto 2008
Major players in the food and cosmetics industries are coming under heavy pressure from environmental activists to stop manufacturing and selling products that contain palm oil.
20 young social entrepreneurs from across the globe have been selected by international youth foundation YouthActionNet as fellows for their innovative actions in social & environmental fields. Meet them here.
20 Agosto 2008
By Paul Jump, Third Sector
The humanitarian organisation hopes to bring refugees back together again and to supply much needed assistance to the crisis region.
The BBC World Service Trust has launched a ringtone campaign to promote the use of condoms in India, where about 2.5 million people are living with HIV.
By Gabriele del Grande, Fortress Europe
Links for Romania
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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