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Marzo 2025
29 Agosto 2008, the philanthropic arm of Google, has invested $10.25m (£5.2m) in a new energy technology called Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)
di Staff
UnLtdWorld one of 21selected UK's social enterprises for Web 2.0 Expo in New York looks at overeas market
EVPA annual conference 23rd September in Frankfurt
28 Agosto 2008
The Institute of Research on Social Enterprise (IRIS Network) presents the VI edition of the Workshop on Italian Social Enterprise from 18 to 19 September in Riva del Garda (Trento) Italy.
The Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR), the independent registrar and regulator for Scotland's 23,500 charities presents the OSCR's conference 2008 at the Carnoustie Golf Hotel and Spa on 3rd November 2008.
The Big Give offers charity vouchers for Christmas
Human Rights Watch called on the European Union to use its unprecedented summit on Russia on September 1 to make a plan for ensuring protection for civilians in Georgia.
27 Agosto 2008
Young actors from different European acting schools perform together
The EKAK – Network of Estonian Non Profit Organisations, Responsible Business Forum in Estonia
26 Agosto 2008
The rise of Robin Hoodies
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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