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Marzo 2025
3 Settembre 2008
The Office of the Third Sector has published guidance for government departments on their new obligation to report progress on implementing three-year grant funding.
di Staff
Here are the list of the report on the Spanish non profit sector
Flip through our useful dictionaries
2 Settembre 2008
From from September 2nd to 5th Edinburgh will host the first Social Enterprise World Forum
“We share videos, pictures and links to inspire action for human rights” that’s the motto of the new community website of Amnesty International UK
New starters in the non profit sector can now enrol for the 2008 NCVO Working For A Charity online course
30 Agosto 2008
From Bucharest to Rome, civil society knows what real integration means
Private and corporate philanthropy in Romania
29 Agosto 2008
human resources available to civil society organisations in Romania continue to remain limited.
In Romania there are 45,000 associations and foundations, more than 1,000 federations and unions and around 20,000 NGOs..
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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