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10 Settembre 2008
Distance learning course trains NGO managers
di Staff
9 Settembre 2008
Find out more about non profit in Spain, followos our links
8 Settembre 2008
By Paul Jump, Third Sector Online
Greenpeace convoy drives low-emissions message to MEPs
5 Settembre 2008
Ebay, too, has a social soul: the online auction operator has launched, a new website designed for selling goods produced with social and environmental goals in mind.
The event will be held in Barcelona on september 15th and 16th
IKEA plans to invest in $77 million in clean tech startups in the next five years with an eye to selling solar panels and other green tech products...
4 Settembre 2008
Today, in Sevilla CIRIEC International inaugurates the 27th edition of its international conference under the title: Innovation and Managment
The United Nations Peacebuilding Fund has swiftly become a unique and dynamic tool to help countries emerging from conflict avoid slipping back into war
First complete report on the Irish philanthropy sector reveals that money donated to charity each year could double to €1 bn over the next five years.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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