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Marzo 2025
15 Settembre 2008
Norwegian investors have pulled out of a stake in UK’s Rio Tinto mining giant worth more than 600 million euros casting doubts on the ethics of British business and leading the way in ethical investment.
di Staff
The fifth annual Sex and Power report shows a drop in the number of women attaining the top jobs in Britain.
Eastern Europe does not respect the right that all people have to celebrate their identy, says Amnesty International, who are campaigning for the rights of gay people
14 Settembre 2008
Over 50 thousand volunteers (3% of the country's population) participated in the country's largest ever clean-up day on May 3rd collecting 6 thousand tonnes of waste from the countryside
12 Settembre 2008
Oxfam's latest report calls for placing people at the heart of climate change policy
A new project aims to help students get recognition for studies carried out during their Erasmus exchanges
11 Settembre 2008
A new Web site enables individual donors to get a customized list of charities that match their interests.
10 Settembre 2008
Who volunteering in Romania?
An Italian bank, Gruppo Montepaschi, features among 2008’s European sustainability leaders, according to the Dow Jones Indexes published on September 4.
By Jawahir Adam and Michael Hopkins
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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