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18 Settembre 2008
Rising prices have plunged an additional 75 million people below the hunger threshold, bringing the estimated number of undernourished people worldwide to 923 million in 2007, FAO said today.
di Staff
Stanford graduate school of business launches new courses for social innovators for 2009.
The Bali summit on climate change and civil society's plan to save the planet
17 Settembre 2008
By Ben Cook, Third Sector Online
The European Commission proposes to improve the current food distribution programme for Europe's poor by increasing the budget to 500 million starting in 2009
A remarkable new documentary, The Singing Revolution, tells the story of Estonia's non violent struggle against decades of Soviet occupation. And its role in building democracy
16 Settembre 2008
Six years after the first ever ESF, this forum aims to breath new life into the movement and to create an action plan for a more socially concious vision of Europe
15 Settembre 2008
FAO field schools in Uganda have helped farmers combat banana wilt, boosting production and saving lives
Youth organisation WYSE has announced an exciting new leadership programme, to be held in Brazil.
Zaragosa, Spain, will be hosting, from 9-13 October 2008 the II edition of Ayudar, an international civil society fair dedicated to NGOs, social enterprises and development organisations.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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