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Marzo 2025
29 Settembre 2008
Bolzano, Italy: As more and more regional authorities in Italy ride roughshod over national and European hunting law, at least one supposedly protected species has been granted a stay of execution.
di Staff
by Agnieszka Rymsza
26 Settembre 2008
Civil dialogue above all! This was the theme of the Baltic's first civil society forum, held in Riga on September 25 - 26.
By Dejan Georgievski, One World SEE
25 Settembre 2008
For all. This is the name of Oxfam International and Ucodep’s first campaign since their partnership began in February that aims to ensure that development & aid makes it on to the G8 agenda in 2009, when the Italian government...
An interview with Marnie Webb, one of the leading experts in the application of social web tools for non profit goals highlights the potential that many NGOs have failed to tap into...
23 Settembre 2008
This week ENDS is holding a conference to help managers communicate environmental messages and avoid greenwashing
Next week, Geneva will host an international symposium to focus on “Building fair financial markets for all” organised by the World Microfinance Forum.
This week the UN will hold a high level summit to discuss the millennium development goals
The European Commission has launched an online public consultation on how the EU’s youth policy should develop in the future.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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