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Marzo 2025
13 Ottobre 2008
Il Libro Verde e gli altri interventi...
di Staff
10 Ottobre 2008
Tomorrow Warsaw will host the Responsible Business Forum, Poland's most important CSR event
8 Ottobre 2008
Marine mammals, such as the Narwhal and Irawaddy dolphin, and land mammals, such as tree kangaroos were confirmed to be closer to extinction by IUCN’s updated Red List of Threatened Species.
WFP, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Howard G. Buffett Foundation have unveiled a groundbreaking initiative to help poor farmers across the developing world significantly increase their incomes.
A project open to university students aims to raise awareness on current European matters
6 Ottobre 2008
Next week, the FAO meets in Rome to discuss food security in today's world
The exceptional session of the Crans Montana Forum will take place from October 7 to 10, 2008 in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
The International Fundraising Congress (IFC) is the world's leading education and training conference on fundraising.
The theme of this year's world habitat day is Harmonious cities and aims to encourage civil society to reflect on humanity's increasingly urban habitat.
Environmental groups will gather outside the European Parliament on Tuesday to all on politicians to adopt ambitious climate policies, including a moratorium on the construction of over 50 new coal plants across Europe
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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